It was also a time when game footage could not be uploaded to and downloaded from the Internet. Video had to be converted from Betamax to VHS or from PAL to SECAM or whatever was required by a particular region of the world. After that, the video had to be sent by international courier to the other side of the world. It was decidedly old school. This was a time when it took days for players, agents, and teams to communicate.
The world has changed a lot since then. Now, everyone is connected and we are all instantly accessible, often around the clock. We can easily find people and connect with them through social media, have virtual meetings using video conferencing, and exchange information in the blink of an eye.
We have experienced all of this. We have taken part in all these changes and have been trendsetters and pioneers with respect to some of them.
Taking advantage of our past as an agency we have used that experience and knowledge of international basketball into the Basketball Job Market.
All of our experience, expertise, and global networking comes together here. It’s a proven old-school approach with cutting-edge 21st-century technology.